The end goal of this project was to create a mobile app dashboard for a design problem of my choice. I happened to have just begun leading a Dungeons and Dragons campaign and was frustrated with the lack of simple guides to character creation. I wanted to make a dashboard for an app that would not only help a new player navigate through their first character creation, but also serve as an in-game digital aid.

For the style for the dashboard, I wanted an aesthetic that would communicate the medieval fantasy elements of Dungeons and Dragons, but not to such a degree that it looked "done before" or outdated. I therefore made sure to assert a new and modern feel in order to retain that visual interest.

Once I had the style I was going for, I got to work on deciding the audience for my dashboard. Thankfully, I had six players who were brand new to Dungeons and Dragons in the campaign I was leading to pull inspiration from. This helped me to create a proto-persona with limited research, while still having some data points to back it up.

I designed these sketches in Procreate, which helped me iterate quickly and cleanly. While I liked all of the directions these sketches could have taken me in, in the end I decided I loved the functionality of the drop down menu in sketches 1a and 1b, and the moving tabs at the bottom that could be used to navigate the app in sketch 4.