A campaign and workshop designed to promote and teach self awareness among Miami University students, through the Enneagram, a personality type system.

How might I utilize design to connect Miami University students with the Enneagram to improve their self-awareness, responses to stress, and relationship health?

I created BUTTONS as free swag for people to take after determining their personality types. At the workshop, I set up a button making station for people to make the buttons, if they so wished. On each of the buttons are icons that represent the core motivations and fears of each type.
I designed an Instagram account to explain the meanings of each of the icons and showcase credible books, apps, and other Instagram accounts that cover the Enneagram in-depth.
Click here to find the account.

I constructed a POSTER to advertise a WORKSHOP. One of the key takeaways from my research was that having facilitators present to help people discover their Enneagram type is crucial for long-term adoption of a personality system. Specifically, having facilitators that know the attendee, and facilitators who know how the Enneagram works. On the poster, it asks attendees to bring a friend who knows them well, and I was able to convince a few experienced Enneagram users to attend as well.
All six of those who attended the workshop on April 21st, 2023 were able to discover their type with the help of each other, myself, and the experienced Enneagram users.